What Age Should My Child Begin Piano Lessons?
What age should my child begin piano lessons?
It is an exciting experience for parents to see what musical gifts their children have. Some
children have an aptitude for singing and others for musical instruments. Some are gifted with an ear for melodies and others may need to practice more to become a talented musician. Wherever your child falls on the spectrum, he or she might also be someone who gravitates to people playing music or focuses on music on the radio or TV. The question many parents are facing is what age should my child begin piano lessons? It's difficult to know what musical abilities your child has until you give them the opportunity to learn under the tutelage of an instructor. Just remember, you are not trying to create a concert artist in a little tux or formal, you are simply providing them an opportunity to experience the joy and pleasure of music.
After all, piano is fun, and it’s something everyone can enjoy and benefit from. According to a recent article in the LA Times, 6-year- olds who received keyboard instruction had more brain growth and better fine motor skills than their peers. The benefits of music education are quite evident but finding quality instruction can be a chore. Through The Piano Sensei's experience, piano lessons couldn't be easier for you and your child to consider. There isn’t a set age or time for every child, but we have seen kids as young as four years old beginning to learn some very basic but important lessons on the piano. If you would like to learn more information, please visit our contact page to speak with one of our experts!