Tips for Practicing Piano
Tips for Practicing Piano
Set a Specific Goal
You can set a clear goal many ways. Maybe it’s setting a goal to learn a specific song on the piano. Continue to work on that song until you have it mastered. Give yourself a deadline to have the song mastered that way you are timebound and don’t push off your goal.
Budget Practice Time for Technical Skills
Make sure at least 10 minutes of your practice time is set aside for things like scales runs, accuracy, and timing. Beginning practice sessions this way helps you warm up while maintaining basic piano fundamentals. You only gain technical skills by repetition – uncomfortable, annoying, boring, focused repetition. Just build in 10 minutes of fundamentals to every one of your practices, and you will be able to play technical pieces.
Practice Pieces in Sections
When learning a new song, it is important to break the song into sections while learning. Dividing the piece in this way makes it easier to tackle a new melody. Ideally you should practice each section a number of times (3 or 5) and practice with both separate hands and hands together. Using this method of repetition will make learning new songs less intimidating and also greatly assist you in memorizing new songs as our brains remember better in sections rather than a song in its entirety.
Utilize a Metronome to Keep Proper Speed
If you can’t play a song in time, then you can’t play the song. “Audio Surf” is played, depending on how you count it, at about 262bpm.
But do not start trying to learn the song at 262bpm. You start at 50bpm. When you can play it at 50, speed it up to 60, and so forth until you can play at the correct speed.
Begin and Finish Playing the Piano with Something Fun.
Make sure you play something you love when you start to practice and something you love when you are done, preferably something you are great at playing. This will keep your confidence up!
The most important thing to remember is that all this challenging work gives you the ability to entertain, uplift, and touch people with your talent. Contact The Piano Sensei today to set up lessons to learn many more tips for practicing piano with our leading instructors.