Can playing the piano make a child smarter?

Can playing the piano make a child smarter?

Can playing the piano make a child smarter

For children, we found that learning to play the piano teaches them to be more self-disciplined, more attentive and better at planning. All of these things are very important for academic performance, so it can make a child brighter.

An academic once said, “The organ and the piano are the father and mother of all music.”
From its invention in Italy circa 1700, the piano has been the foundation of western music.
Solo and ensemble performance, as the vehicle for musical composition, in the church, and
in the home as the center of family life, the piano is the keystone to music as we enjoy it.
After 300 years, the piano still has the power to spread happiness and joy, and to bring the
family together. Playing the piano is fun and something every child and adult should

My brother began his music career by learning the piano. By starting with the piano, he
was able to establish a foundation of music that he was able to apply to learn the guitar,
harmonica, bass, and the drums. I strongly encourage you to give the Piano Sensei the
opportunity to work with your children. Sign-up for a free trial lesson, and there is no
obligation. Our instructors utilize our in-home curriculum that is proven to help develop
childrens abilities as they are learning to play the piano. Much like my brother, this can
lead to learning other instruments in the process and foster a love and passion for music.

Contact us today to learn more about the services we provide!

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